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Our goal is to provide valuable and inspiring content for anyone thinking about migrating, answering common questions like what is needed for the process. We have listed 4 countries, which are also where we have branches, understanding the opportunities they offer to those who wish to become citizens of the World.

United Arab Emirates

The main advantages of living and working in the largest city in the United Arab Emirates are the high salaries offered, the low crime rate and the fact that Dubai has a tax-free tax system.

You don't need to learn Arabic
Although Arabic is the official language in the UAE, most people here communicate in English. You will be able to live and work in Dubai knowing perfectly well only English, as the only people who speak Arabic are the Emiratis themselves, who make up only 20% of the total population.


It is a very safe city
Dubai is a very safe place to live as there is a lot of police surveillance in practically every corner of the city. And because robbery, assault and robbery are severely criminalized under Emirati law, it is very difficult to fall victim to such crimes.


Very high salaries

One of the main reasons why so many people want to live in Dubai is because it is the perfect city for career advancement. Salaries are really high, especially for more technical professions or those that require special knowledge and academic preparation. Workers in Dubai do not have to pay income tax.


World-class education

Education in Dubai is of an excellent standard, making it the ideal place to raise your children. Arabic is rarely used in schools; Practically all classes are taught in English, as it is an increasingly necessary language for a great future in the workplace.


Futuristic city

The first time you set foot in Dubai you will think you have stepped forward in time 50 years, because we are talking about one of the most modern and technologically advanced cities in the world! Billions of dollars were invested in its construction and urban planning alone. The Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa, the largest shopping mall and skyscraper in the world, are located here.


​England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. With a GDP of US$3.187 trillion in 2021, the United Kingdom is the seventh largest economy in the world and, although it changed its immigration policy after Brexit, it remains one of the best destinations to live abroad.

What are the advantages of immigrating to the UK?

Check out some of the great benefits of being a legal immigrant


Anyone living legally in the UK, including full-time overseas students and work permit holders, is entitled to free healthcare under the National Health Service (NHS)


Free High Level Education

Internationally renowned for their academic excellence, UK universities offer numerous full scholarship programs to foreigners and when the scholarship is partial, it is possible to count on government subsidies. And in England, all children aged between 5 and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school.


Professional opportunities

The United Kingdom is a priority market for several multinationals, many of them based in London. The growing post-pandemic economy has generated several job opportunities for qualified professionals and the booming job market is very receptive to foreigners. Brazilians with postgraduate degrees and successful experiences in Finance, Marketing, Law, Medicine, Information Technology and Communication have ample conditions to receive the highest salaries.

Other advantages of immigrating to the UK with a work permit:

  • Employers often invest in their employees through funded training;

  • From April 2023 the minimum wage will be £10.42 per hour; i.e. £1,667.20 per month for those working 40 hours a week;

  • In any job, full-time and part-time, most workers receive up to 5.6 weeks of paid time off.

  • ​

Government Support

​In England, by requesting help through regional councils, you can obtain discounts on housing tax payments (similar to IPTU), discounts for those who live alone, financial support for those who do not earn the minimum wage, among other subsidies.


Living in Europe is a dream for many people. And one of the options most chosen by Brazilians is to live in Italy.

The ease of obtaining citizenship for Italian descent, the globally recognized colleges and the job opportunities are the aspects that most attract Brazilians who want to live in Italy.

Furthermore, the quality of life is also something that attracts the attention of immigrants.

 Check out some important characteristics of the country below.


Public health system

One of the great advantages of living in Italy is the public healthcare system.

While in Brazil the SUS is free, in Italy it is not universally free.

In other words, the cost of consultations with specialists may vary according to the declared income tax.

Despite this, the Servizio Nazionale Sanitario (SSN) has good coverage in most of Italy and is regional.

As the public health system works very well in the country, Italians are not used to taking out private health plans, with the exception of those offered by the companies they work for.



Security is also a crucial factor for a person who decides to move to another country.

Italy is considered a safe country with low rates of robbery, assault and violence.

With laws that work, the destination has seen a drop in these types of crimes year after year.


Quality education

If you intend to do an exchange in Italy, know that public education in the country is also excellent.

There, there are free quality schools for children and teenagers.

Universities in Italy are world famous and with fees that are paid annually at affordable rates.

To give you an idea, the oldest institution in the world is in Bologna.

Furthermore, Milan is considered the fashion capital and also a world reference in design and architecture.



Italian gastronomy is so appreciated that it is almost always present in the dishes of Brazilians and around the world!

And anyone who goes on an exchange program in Italy can understand that the country's cuisine is not limited to just pasta and pizza.

Most of the inputs for Italian recipes are produced in the country itself. There are groups that promote fairs especially to produce specific dishes.

For example, Confraternita della Zucca organizes fairs with pumpkin dishes and recipes.

Another well-known group is Confraternita del Gorgonzola, which develops true Italian blue cheese.



You may already know that taking a tour of Europe is very simple.

This is because international plane and train tickets are relatively cheap.

Furthermore, the distance between countries is short, facilitating access from one country to another.

It is possible to travel from northern Italy to Switzerland in about an hour by car, for example.

And, of course, if you live in Italy, you will also be able to travel without having to leave the country.

After all, there are many beautiful landscapes and various means of transport, such as trains that go to continental cities and also ferries that go to the regions of Sardinia and Sicily.


Considered one of the largest economies, the country has enormous biodiversity. Brazil is the largest country in South America and has high levels of quality of life in different cities. This way, you can count on adequate infrastructure, as well as a mild climate and wealth of resources.

Job market in Brazil

Despite being considered one of the countries with an emerging economy, finding a job in Brazil is not a simple task. The Brazilian job market is extremely competitive, with a much larger number of professionals than vacancies. However, the scenario is much more promising if you are a qualified professional or already have experience in the desired area.

It is important to highlight that speaking Portuguese fluently is essential for a foreigner to work in Brazil. For this reason, Portuguese and other Portuguese-speaking immigrants have a great advantage when looking for a job in Brazil compared to other nationalities. Some of the professions in high demand in the country are specialists in the areas of IT, medicine, finance and engineering.


Brazilian educational system

In Brazil, public schools are available to all residents, but there is often a lack of infrastructure, materials and teachers in this sector. For this reason, those who have good financial conditions choose to enroll their children in private schools, which are of excellent quality. These schools follow the standards of the Brazilian educational system and offer complementary classes in foreign languages such as English, Spanish or French. There are also international schools in Brazil, where students take full-time classes in English, such as the British School.

Contrary to what happens in elementary education, public higher education institutions are among the best in the country. Education is entirely free, but students must pass an entrance exam called the entrance exam, which takes into account the score from the National High School Exam (ENEM). The vast majority of foreigners who want to study in Brazil do so through academic exchanges. There is a wide range of scholarships in Brazil for foreigners of different nationalities, mainly South Americans.

Children of Portuguese immigrants and other Portuguese-speaking countries find it easy to adapt to the Brazilian educational system because they share the same language. However, in large cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, it is common to find Portuguese schools where, in addition to the language, they also teach about Portuguese culture. Despite naming school cycles differently, the Brazilian educational system is similar to the Portuguese one. The educational equivalence between Brazil and Portugal is such that the ENEM is even accepted as an entrance exam for entry into some Portuguese universities.


Brazilian healthcare system

The public healthcare system in Brazil is called SUS and is available to everyone who legally lives in the country. The SUS has clinics spread across all states and offers preventive care as well as treatments, surgeries and rehabilitation. However, due to a lack of investment and infrastructure, many hospitals and clinics lack materials and qualified professionals. For this reason, all residents with sufficient income choose to purchase private health insurance. The private healthcare system has high-quality clinics and well-trained professionals, who often speak English.


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